Sabtu, Desember 17, 2016
Week 10 - Topic: Your Top Recommendations for Things to Do in Your Town
Minggu, Desember 04, 2016
Week 9 - Topic : It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?
Hello, ladies and gentleman. How are you today? I hope you're in a good condition. In this week, I would like to talk about " It's your last meal on earth, what do you choose?". In this world, there a lot of foods that I like such as fried rice, chicken, and satay. I also like healthy foods such as salad and fruits. Mango is my favorite fruits all the time. But, if I had to choose a last meal on earth, I decided to choose Ice Cream. Why?
Senin, November 28, 2016
Week 8 - Topic: A Letter to Your Younger Self and Your 10-Years-Later Self
Hello, ladies and
genteman. Welcome back to my blog. In this occasion, I would like to writing
about “a letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self”.
Kamis, November 24, 2016
Short Conversation
The Name of the Group:
-Cikal Fitrian W. C1051161018
-Azalia Fuza A. C1051161024
-Sahandio A. C1051161046
-Nandung Erlanda C1051161066
-Cikal Fitrian W. C1051161018
-Azalia Fuza A. C1051161024
-Sahandio A. C1051161046
-Nandung Erlanda C1051161066
Fuza : Hi, guys! I have one question. What websites do you use to find
Cikal : I usually
use Wikipedia to find information.
Fuza : Why do you choose Wikipedia?
Cikal : I choose it because Wikipedia provide very complete information.
Nandung : Beside that, it can be edited by
anyone who has the proper permissions.
Sanyo : Not for me, I usually use Yahoo to find information. The reason
I prefer Yahoo because it easily to find the information. Yahoo is the most
complete than other search engines.
Fuza : Yes, I agree with you.
Nandung : By the way, does teacher have any
rules about using sites?
Sanyo : Yes, the rule we have is we can only visit approved internet
Cikal : And then, what are the differences between online information and
information from libraries?
Nandung : One of the differences between
online information and information from libraries is information from libraries
has older materials than the internet. Digitalization that goes back more than
10-15 years can be difficult to locate on the Internet while online information
provides more timely information and is constantly updated.
Fuza : But, content on the online
information is always changing, growing, or disappearing. This means something
we cite may not be the same. If we wants to see it later this can make you lose
Sanyo : Yes, you're right.
Sabtu, November 19, 2016
Week 7 - Topic: Karaoke Song of Choice and Why
Hello, ladies and gentleman. Welcome back to my blog. In
this week, I would like to tell you about my favorite karaoke song and the
reason why. There are two types of people in this world, those who get wildly
excited when they hear the word “karaoke” (particularly when it’s followed by a
question mark) and those who don’t. I'm including people who love karaoke,
because karaoke has many benefits, one of them to remove stress for a while.
Many various songs that I sang when karaoke. But the favorite song that I've
always sing when karaoke is Coldplay songs. What the reasons?
Kamis, November 17, 2016
Article Summary
The following article is from E MAGAZINE, MAY/JUNE 2013, Volume XXIV Number 3, by Britta Belli.
In her article "10 Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality," Brita Belli (2013) argues that common indoor triggers include dust mites on pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals; mold in bathrooms, dust and pet hair in carpeting; cleaning sprays and pesticides; air fresheners and candles and mouse and cockroach droppings. First steps is replacing sprays and cleaners with non toxic alternatives, and then embracing a weekly cleaning regimen that aims to keep the dust, mold and insects at bay. Environmental Protection Agency reports that the average American spends 90% of his or her time indoors and that levels of pollutants are typically two to five times as high inside homes compared to outside. Children, because of their smaller bodies, are more vulnerable to the impacts of bad indoor air.
Sabtu, November 12, 2016
Week 6 - Topic: Favorite Place I've Travelled To
Hello ladies and gentleman, how are you today? I hope you're in a good
condition. The last week I didn't post anything because I'm focus to mid-term
test. Now, just waiting for the test results. It's scary, you know? But, forget
it for a while. This time, I would like to tell you about favorite place I've
travelled to. Probably, most of you love traveling. Make a trip from one place
to another place by ship, plane, or other transportation. I have recommended
place for you who love traveling, especially if you make a trip to West Kalimantan.
This is the most favorite place that I've ever visited in West Kalimantan. The
place was named "Pantai Temajuk".
Selasa, Oktober 25, 2016
Week 5 - Topic: Smartphone Apps That I Love
Hello, ladies and gentleman. Today, I would like to tell you about
smarthpone apps that I love. In a smartphone, there are many kinds of
applications such as navigation applications, social media applications,
instant messaging applications, music player applications, the browser
applications, and many other kinds of applications. In my smartphones, I have
some favorite applications. They are Line and Spotify.
Senin, Oktober 17, 2016
Grammar : Synonyms of Verbs and
Adverbs for Academic English
Exercise 1. Verbs
Write the
letter associated with the SYNONYMS (Exercise 1. Verbs) corresponding synonym next to each word!
1. Obliterate =
Destroyed (B)
2. Severed =
Cut (C)
3. Conceive =
Create (M)
4. Tolerate =
Allow (E)
5. Ingest = Consume (K)
6. Pacify = Calm (down) (D)
7. Calibrate = Adjust (A)
8. Magnify = Enlarge (F)
9. Incentivize = Support (G)
10. Speculate = Theorize (N)
11. Levitate = Float (H)
12. Illustrate = Exemplify (O)
13. Elucidate = Clarify (J)
14. Impede = Interfere (L)
15. Advocate = Motivate (I)
Exercise 2. Adverbs
Write the
letter associated with the SYNONYMS (Exercise 2. Adverbs) corresponding synonym next to each word!
1. Methodically = Systematically (A)
Begrudgingly = Resentfully (N)
3. Amicably = Quietly (D)
4. Fiercely = Severely (C)
Unintelligibly = Unclearly (K)
Sporadically = Occasionally (I)
Unequivocally = Indisputably (L)
8. Zealously = Eagerly (G)
9. Laboriously = Painfully (H)
10. Earnestly = Desicively (M)
Indisputably = Indisputably (L)
12. Definitely = Absolutely (J)
13. Faintly = Weakly (B)
14. Discreetly = Privately (E)
1. Vocabulary
Match the
words or phrases from the article with their definitions!
1. Broken home
= A family where the
parents have separated.
2. To snap at
someone = To speak to someone
3. To lose
touch = To lose
4. To snap out
of it = To recover quickly.
5. To cope =
To deal successfully with a situation.
6. Blue = Unhappy
7. Help line = A telephone advice
8. Self-injury = Harm that you do to
yourself deliberately.
9. Counselor = A person
professionally trained to talk to people
their problems.
2. Comprehension
According to the text, are the following sentences true or false?
(Choose ‘T’ for true and an ‘F’ for false next to each sentence.)
1.Teenagers don’t
want to become adults. T
/ F
2. Teenagers
often don’t know how to get helps with their depression. T / F
3. Other people
are usually the first to see that you are depressed. T / F
4. A common
symptom of teenage behavior is moody behavior. T
/ F
5. It is easy to
recover quickly from serious depression. T
/ F
6. Talking to a
person who is depressed is a good way to help. T
/ F
7. Telephone help
lines are a private way to talk about your problems. T / F
8. Anyone can be
counselor. T
/ F
9. Everyone feels
miserable sometimes. T
/ F
Sabtu, Oktober 08, 2016
Week 4 - Topic: What Movie Best Describes My Life
Hello, ladies and gentleman. In this occasion, I would like to tell you
about movie best describes my life. Previously, I confused choose movie that
correspond with my life, until finally I choose a film. This film
describes my life, although not really complete with my life. At least there is
little relations between this film and my life. Directly, the film that I
mean is Yes Man. This
movie is reminded my experience. You can
see below, this is the poster of the film. I
watched this movie when I was Junior High School grade 9.

Kamis, Oktober 06, 2016
Review of English Tenses and Exercises
- Simple Present Tense
untuk menyatakan habitual action atau rutinitas dan fakta-fakta umum.
Rumus :
S + V1(s/es)
S + do/does + not + V1
Do/Does + S + V1
1. They go to
campus by bus.
(-) They don’t go to campus by bus.
(?) Do they go to campus by bus?
2. She Goes
to campus by motorcycle.
(-) She doesn’t go to campus by motorcycle.
(?) Does she go to campus by motorcycle?
- Simple Past Tense
Rumus :
S + V2
S + did + not + V1
Did + S + V1
Examples :
1.They went to
campus by bus.
(-) They didn’t go to campus by bus.
(?) Did they
go to campus by bus?
2. She
went to campus by motorcycle.
(-) She didn’t go to campus by motorcycle.
(?) Did she go to campus by motorcycle?
Kamis, September 29, 2016
Summary: Subject Verb Agreement
- Subject
Example : I, you, they, we, she, he, it, my dad and my mom, Linda and Susi, the bank, the flight schedule, etc.
- Verb
Kinds of verb :
- Action Verb
Action verbs are words that express action (give, eat, walk, etc.) or possession (have, own, etc.).
Action verbs can be either transitive (with object) or intransitive (without object).
Example : Laurissa rises slowly from her seat.
- Linking Verb
To be : is, am, are, was, were.
Example : We were there!
Verb: seem, appear, become, grow, remain, get, prove, turn, look, sound, smell, taste, feel.
Example : That sounds great!
- Helping Verb
Modals always function as Helping Verbs.
Modals = can, could, may, might, shall, will, ought to, should, would.
Example : The trip might (helping verb) be (main verb) dangerous.
- MAIN RULE OF "Subject Verb Agreement"
Exercise: Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise
Choose the correct
form of the verb that agrees with the subject!
1. Annie and
her brothers are at school.
2. Either my
mother or my father is coming
to the meeting.
3. The dog
or the cats are outside.
4. Either my
shoes or your coat is always
on the floor.
5. George
and Tamara don’t want to see
that movie.
6. Benito doesn't know the answer.
7. One of my
sisters is going on a trip to France.
8. The man
with all the birds lives on my street.
9. The
movie, including all the previews, takes about two hours to watch.
10. The players, as well as the captain, want to win.
Rabu, September 28, 2016
Week 3 - Topic: Two things that you have to bring everywhere you go
Hello ladies and gentleman. Today, I'm back in my blog. In this occasion, I would like to tell you about things that I have to bring everywhere I go. Maybe most of you says the two things that you have to bring everywhere you go are smartphone and wallet. But for me smartphone is not the first thing I have to bring. Initially that's true, but I often leave my smartphone at home if I forgot to take it because I'm rushed. As a result, I have been accustomed if not bring smartphone. The fact, two things that I have to bring everywhere I go are wallet and watch. Why I said so? Let's we see my answers below.
Sabtu, September 24, 2016
Week 2 - Topic: Your favorite selfie and why
ladies and gentleman. Today, I'm back in my blog. In this occasion, I would
like to tell you about my favorite selfie and why i choose the photo. But first, I
would like to tell you what is selfie. Surely most of
you already know what is selfie, or maybe selfie has
become a daily routine for you. Well, for those who have
yet to figure it out, I will tell you a little bit about what
is selfie. Selfie is a self-portrait photograph,
typically taken with a digital camera or camera phone held in the
hand or supported by a selfie stick. Most selfies are taken with a
camera held at arm's length or pointed at a mirror, rather than by using
a self-timer. A selfie stick can be used to position the camera
farther away from the subject, allowing the camera to see more around them. I
am the type of person that doesn't too often do selfie. I
did selfie only when a moment of a specific moment that
needs to be enshrined. Back to the initial topic, that this the
second task is given. Let's check this out.
Rabu, September 14, 2016
Week 1 - Topic: Your reason choosing your study major at Universitas of Tanjungpura
Hello, ladies and gentleman. Let me introduce my self, my
name is Azalia Fuza Ashari. You can call me Fuza. I am 17 years old. I am a
student of the University of Tanjungpura Pontianak majoring in Soil Science.
First, I will tell you in advance about my experiences create a blog. This is
the first time I make a blog. Previously I never create a blog or applying it.
Apparently, creating a blog is not difficult. We only need open the or tag line or other available link then follow the
directions given to completed. But remember, you must have an email to create a
blog. Okay back to the topic.The reason I make a blog here is caused in the
English Language courses by my lecturer Miss Dini, me as a student
assigned to create a blog where the later in this blog will be used to post all
the tasks that assigned by that Miss Dini during Odd Semester of Academic Year
2016/2017. The whole duty amounted to ten tasks and that this the first task is
given. Let's check this out.
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